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Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2010

Schedule / Horaire

The Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) and New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) are pleased to invite you to the 2010 Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium. Come join us for paper sessions and presentations, listening sessions and evening concerts. This year’s Keynote Speaker is Christian Calon and participating artists include Rick Sacks, Louis Dufort, Nick Storring and winners of the CEC’s 2010 Jeu de Temps / Times Play project.

The Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium has become a consistently creative and cohesive point of contact between diverse EA communities and the Toronto scene. As in preceding years, the symposium leads directly into the main concert weekend of the annual Sound Travels festival, which this year features Christian Calon, David Eagle, Ned Bouhalassa, D. Andrew Stewart, Natasha Barrett, and others.

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto in August!

Register to attend the symposium (

Daytime symposium sessions will be webcast at

Wednesday, 4 August 2010 — Opening Day



Venue: Theatre Direct’s Christie Studio, 601 Christie Street #170


Symposium Concert

Venue: Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie Street #176
Entry: $15/10 (FREE for symposium participants)

Nick Storring — Artifacts
Bob Bauer —Returning to his Old Home
Ben Ramsay — Low-bypass
Eldad Tsabary — Tikkun Nefesh


Dinner at Mezzettas

Venue: Mezzetta’s, 681 St Clair Avenue West

Mezzetta’s is situated at the corner of Christie and St. Clair Ave West, a 5-minute walk from the Artscape Wychwood Barns.NB: Reservations have been made, however individual, advance registration for the symposium is required to attend.

Thursday, 5 August 2010 — Symposium Session Day 1

All sessions will be held in Theatre Direct’s Christie Studio, 601 Christie Street #170.


Introductions and Coffee


Session #1: Instruments and Interaction

Chair: Emilie LeBel

Malletkat for New Music
Rick Sacks

The Power of One: Performance Modes on the T-stick Digital Musical Instrument
D. Andrew Stewart

  • D. Andrew Stewart — Catching Air and the Superman, for keyboard, digital T-sticks and chamber ensemble (video)




Session #2: Jeu de temps / Times Play 2010 (JTTP 2010) Listening Session

Chair: Christian Calon

Join us in celebrating the official announcement of the winners of this year’s edition.

A large multi-leveled project of the Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community, JTTP is aimed at promoting and celebrating new electroacoustic works from young and/or emerging sound artists/composers from (or living in) Canada. JTTP is an annual project and was launched in 2000. In its 2010 edition, the JTTP project took the form of a collaboration with the Australasian Computer Music Association (ACMA).




Session #3: Cognition, Interpretation and Analysis

Chair: Michael Kaler

Wallace Berry’s Structural Processes and Electroacoustic Music: A Case Study Analysis of Robert Normandeau’s Onomatopoeias Cycle
Alexa Woloshyn

Suspended Imprints: An Exploration of space, sound and the inner monologue
Samantha Horseman

Radio as Music: Exploring the Shared Cognitive Networks Between Speech and Music
Christopher Trimmer


Symposium Concert

Venue: Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie Street #176
Entry: $15/10 (FREE for symposium participants)

Travis Ellrott — Away (movements IV–VII)
Louis Dufort — Nervures
Daniel Courville — Les fruits du hasard
Butch Rovan — Correspondences

Friday, 6 August 2010 — Symposium Session Day 2

All sessions will be held in Theatre Direct’s Christie Studio, 601 Christie Street #170.




Session #4: Symposium Keynote Lecture

Keynote Speaker: Christian Calon




Session #5: 60x60 Canada 2010

Chair: Eldad Tsabary

60 pieces by 60 Canadian composers will be played without pause, with a new piece beginning every minute on the minute. The sound will be accompanied by spectrographic images and a large clock.

60x60 is an annual project which started in 2003 and has seen since over 200 concerts, dance shows, and multimedia installations worldwide. Its Canadian edition is organized by Vox Novus in collaboration with the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) with the mission to support and highlight Canada’s EA community.




Session #6: EA Education

Chair: Kevin Austin

The Results of a Year-Long Action-Study on Aural Skills Acquisition by Students of Electroacoustics at Concordia University
Eldad Tsabary

Electroacoustic Music and Media Arts Teaching
Ricardo Dal Farra

Masterpiecing Electroacoustic Music: Pedagogical Reflections from a Musicological Perspective
Cathy Cox

In Search of Tools for the Laptop Ensemble
Arne Eigenfeldt


Coffee Break


Session #7: Listening

Ricardo Dal Farra — Memories
Eldad Tsabary — Tikkun Nefesh


Concert: Expansive Spirits (Sound Travels Concert #1)

Venue: Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie Street #176
Entry: $15/10 (FREE for symposium participants)

Works by Christian Calon, D. Andrew Stewart and David Eagle.

Saturday, 7 August 2010 — Symposium Session Day 3

All sessions will be held in Theatre Direct’s Christie Studio, 601 Christie Street #170.




Session #8: Tangible Music

Chair: David Eagle

Composing with Food: Technical and Aesthetic Considerations for the Sound Installation, Eating
Cathy Cox

Sixteen Lazy, Myopic, Inattentive, Forgetful and Capricious Robot Musicians
Bentley Jarvis

Bodily Listening
Satoshi Morita




Session #9: TES 2010 Compendium of Practice

Chair: Fiona Ryan




Session #10: Process and Algorithm

Chair: D. Andrew Stewart

A Local and Global Approach to Composition
Louis Dufort

Developing Content-Based Processing for SuperCollider… and Beyond
Thomas Stoll

  • Thomas Stoll — geré en réseau

Negotiated Content: Generative Soundscape Composition by Multi-agents
Arne Eigenfeldt

  • Arne Eigenfeldt — Coming Together: Freesound


Session #11: Plenary Session

Chair: David Ogborn


Concert: About HOME (Sound Travels Concert #2)

Venue: Theatre Direct’s Wychwood Theatre, 601 Christie Street #176
Entry: $15/10 (FREE for symposium participants)

Works by Manuella Blackburn, Natasha Barrett, David Hindmarch, Ned Bouhalassa.


Review Committee / Comité de sélection

David Ogborn, Chair of Symposium Committee (McMaster University)
Kevin Austin (Concordia University)
Christina Baade (McMaster University)
David Berezan (University of Manchester, UK)
Darren Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Ian Crutchley (University of Alberta)
David Eagle (University of Calgary)
Arne Eigenfeldt (Simon Fraser University)
Ken Fields (University of Calgary)
Charlie Fox (University of Regina)
David Gerhard (University of Regina)
James Harley (University of Guelph)
Elizabeth Hoffman (New York University, USA)
Cort Lippe (University at Buffalo, USA)
Hilary Martin (York University)
Michael Matthews (University of Manitoba)
Steven Naylor (Acadia University)
Jean Piché (Université de Montréal)
Laurie Radford (University of Calgary)
Robert Rowe (New York University, USA)
Barry Truax (Simon Fraser University)
Eldad Tsabary (Concordia University)
Scott Wilson (University of Birmingham, UK)

Organizing Committee / Comité d’organisation

Darren Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)
Emilie LeBel (University of Toronto)
David Ogborn (CEC / McMaster University)
Fiona Ryan (University of Toronto)
Nadene Thériault-Copeland (New Adventures in Sound Art)


Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium (
New Adventures in Sound Art (
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne / Canadian Electroacoustic Community (
eContact! (
Artscape Wychwood Barns (

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